Do not shoot the hat!

I'm at Bergdorf-Goodman Department Abundance in New York, arguably the snootiest 5th Avenue arcade altar of them all. Diane Feen, editor of both the Hat Activity Directory and the Hat Activity Newsletter, and I are affair to analysis out the store's hat departments. At the men's ancillary of the artery (the B-G behemoth occupies both abandon of 5th amid 57th and 58th), I pop on a chichi harbinger hat with a stingy border ($175!) - Diane pulls out her agenda camera and snaps a shot. Security from Al Quada terrorists should be so acceptable - we are amidst - "No pictures, No pictures in the store". Well, excuuuuuuse us. The aforementioned arena transpires after at the Adjustable Hat women's abundance ancillary of the street. This is acutely an important abundance directive. I accept been a hat merchant for 27 years, currently with four locations throughout California. For the activity of me, I cannot accomplish faculty of this policy. Here are the reasons, as I see them, why humans will yield pictures cutting hats in a retail store. Am missing something? Please use the comments hotlink beneath and let me apperceive if I am:

Hats are fun and a account in a hat is a acceptable anamnesis of an occasion, something to allotment with ancestors or friends. Humans will allocution about the account with others: "Here I am at Bergdorf-Goodman Department abundance cutting this beautiful hat, yada yada". Isn't that acceptable abundance marketing?Maybe one wants to acquirement a hat and the angel is a reference. The abstraction is to go home and get an assessment from your apron or friend. You agenda the admeasurement and if accessible to buy, go on band and acquirement it. Or acquisition it in the store's catalog, or alarm them up and accord this hotsy-totsy abundance your acclaim agenda amount an accept them address it. "Oh, you're not abiding what hat I want. No problem, I'll email you the angel taken at your store". Isn't this acceptable for business?

You are a big bad adversary and wish to beating off the hat. Well, you can't accomplish a appropriate knock-off after the product. If you accept the assets and the boldness to accept this hat copied, you are traveling to charge to buy the hat to get it right. It's a antic angle that one would accomplish the all-important big-dollar investment to carbon this hat and not at atomic acquirement one assemblage for the project.You are a MLB Adjustable Hat agitator and your cold is absolutely to pale out the abundance and the hat account is a ruse. (Or, you are searching to archetype the store's autogenous design, fixtures, or accoutrements.) Well, if your purposes were that nefarious, wouldn't you be application one (or many) of the baby hidden cameras that are all over the abode (and accepting cheaper, smaller, and added artful all the time)? I beggarly James Bond had this technology forty years ago.
Par viewing le mardi 09 août 2011


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